Saturday, June 27, 2009

“What is the value of being narcissistic…….if you don’t learn to love your self first?”

Well I have just heard on the news that Gov. Mark Sanford is now making the statement comparing his latest situation to King David of biblical Israel and the woman to tempt him, Bathsheba.

I think that he has been lying to the voters of South Carolina for much longer than this recent event and it is now just second nature to him.

The narcissistic, hubris of this man playing the “con man” aspect to the religious right population is now at the level of being blatantly comical to the rest of us whom are not so easily lead.


  1. "... now at the level of being blatantly comical to the rest of us whom are not so easily lead."

    But you and I are not his audience. It is the simplistic fundamentalists who have been taught to obey authority to which his biblical comparison is directed. Knowing their gullibility record, it may just work.

  2. Naw, this is a post fundamentalist deconstruction of other words, Sanford is over, he's toast, done, stick a fork in him...
    There was a way out of this that he could have taken, but he missed the exit.
    Just like Eliot Spitzer could have just brazened his way through his hooker scandal, Sanford could have very possibly just brazened his way through this....but he blew it and is now an incrementally growing snowball of embarrassment to the very people he is trying to appeal to.

    Narcissism is a very apt description of the root of his failure.
