In the past the Man Who Smoked Enough Dope To The Point That He Could Not Even Pass A Ballroom Dancing College Class And Dropped Out, but now has the nerve to passes himself off as a "Climate Expert" debating made up counter "Global Warming / Climate Change" arguments to those who have Doctorates Degrees in the subject; Now "Fat Ass Gush Limblob" is now presenting himself as a "Nutritionist and Dietary Expert!"
As you probably know by now, on Monday's edition of "The Rush Limbaugh Show," Dumb Ass Gush Limblob took Michelle Obama to task for "feasting on ribs," even while she has the audacity to tell us that we should eat vegetables. The nerve of that woman!
Of course, he also casually mentioned that "our first lady does not project the image of women that you might see on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue," so who is she to tell people to eat healthy food? (Plus, we know all the swimsuit models go to Shake Shack.)
We're 99 percent sure this rant, like everything Limbaugh says, was just designed to get publicity (it worked!) even Limbaugh can't be obtuse enough to actually believe this drivel, and yet, it's still seriously foolish.
But is it the most foolish thing he's ever said about food? Of course not! Get your ire up and take a look at all the other senselessness, stupid crap Gush has feed his dumb downed listeners.
12. "I think bread's gonna go to $50 a loaf. Now is the time to get it, freeze it in large quantities. And butter, too; you can't have bread without butter. How does that sound?" November 15, 2010
11. "As the economy performs worse than expected, the deficit for the 2010 budget year beginning in October will worsen by $87 billion to $1.3 trillion. The deterioration reflects lower tax revenues and higher costs for bank failures, unemployment benefits, and food stamps.' But in the Oval Office of the White House, none of this is a problem. This is the objective! The objective is unemployment. The objective is more food stamp benefits." May 11, 2009
10. "The number of Americans fighting off hunger stayed level last year — have you seen that out there? Have you seen people fighting off hunger? I see it all the time. I drive around and — I do drive, I do drive myself — and sometimes I look out the window and a lot of people are waving at me as I go by. Have you seen people fighting off hunger? I mean you can actually see it. You go inside Publix or any grocery store, you can see 'em walking down the aisles, they're reaching for something and then they don't. It's an amazing thing to watch, people fighting off hunger." November 16, 2010
9. CALLER: Yeah. Well, you can't walk into the grocery store and blindly think everything in there is good for you, though. You've gotta read; you gotta do your own research. RUSH: Well, "good for you" is relative. CALLER: I know. RUSH: Give me an example. You're going through the grocery store and you see that's not good for you and you won't buy it, what is it? CALLER: Cheez Whiz. RUSH: Cheez Whiz. CALLER: Yeah, and I'm from Philly. RUSH: [Laughing.] Why is Cheez Whiz bad for you? CALLER: It's totally processed; there's so many chemicals in it. You can't tell me Cheez Whiz in a can versus a package of Cheddar cheese — RUSH: How many people have died from it? CALLER: Well, I can't give you a number on that one. RUSH: I don't think I've ever seen it on a death certificate. January 24, 2011
8. "During the campaign when Obama's out there ripping Wal-Mart to shreds, his wife shows up there the other day and has somehow bullied or pressured Wal-Mart, which already sells things for low prices, into selling healthy food at lower prices during the winter. Michelle Obama shows up and she and her husband are now partners with Wal-Mart ... “January 21, 2011
7. "You know, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, this wacko bunch of leftist kooks, statists, nannies, these are the people that banned coconut oil from your popcorn in movie theaters, have gotten rid of MSG, the flavoring in Chinese food, they wanted to ban Chinese food." July 9, 2010
6. "I'm sure you're aware that nutritionist-at-large Michelle Obama is urging, demanding, advocating, requiring what everybody can and can't eat. She's demanding that everybody basically eat cardboard and tofu, no calories, no fat, no nothing, gotta stop obesity. Except as in the case of all leftists, that's true for you but not for them. Michelle (My Belle) minus the husband took the kids out to Vail on a ski vacation and they were spotted eating. And they were feasting on ribs, ribs that were 1,575 calories per serving with 141 grams of fat per serving. Now, I'm sure some of you members of the New Castrati, 'This is typical of what you do, Mr. Limbaugh, you take an isolated once-in-a-lifetime experience and try to say that she's a hypocrite.' She is a hypocrite. Leaders are supposed to be leaders. If we're supposed to go out and eat nothing, if we're supposed to eat roots and berries and tree bark and so forth, show us how." February 21, 2011
5. "Now the venerable Sports Illustrated is quoting a bunch of wacko leftist food Nazis. If they don't like what's being served at the ballpark, don't go. If they don't like what's being served at the ballpark, don't buy it. But it is none of their business. Oy vey. I'm telling you, the sports media is no different than the rest of the media. There is no media. It's just the ruling class. It's just a bunch of leftist drivel no matter where you go. And, of course, food at the ballpark, that's really caused a lot of premature death, right? We've been serving hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries, crackerjack, peanuts, cotton candy, this is the ruling class saying, 'Don't let 'em eat cake.' I guess so, grilled asparagus, arugula with watercress vinaigrette, salad, and so forth. This is no different than the People for Science in the Public Interest, nutritionists. Obesity is a major problem in American ballparks. Right." July 20, 2010
4. "Now the venerable Sports Illustrated is quoting a bunch of wacko leftist food Nazis. If they don't like what's being served at the ballpark, don't go. If they don't like what's being served at the ballpark, don't buy it. But it is none of their business. Oy vey. I'm telling you, the sports media is no different than the rest of the media. There is no media. It's just the ruling class. It's just a bunch of leftist drivel no matter where you go. And, of course, food at the ballpark, that's really caused a lot of premature death, right? We've been serving hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries, crackerjack, peanuts, cotton candy, this is the ruling class saying, 'Don't let 'em eat cake.' I guess so, grilled asparagus, arugula with watercress vinaigrette, salad, and so forth. This is no different than the People for Science in the Public Interest, nutritionists. Obesity is a major problem in American ballparks. Right." July 20, 2010
3. "Anything better than diet, Qurans, prayer rugs, I mean where else can Muslims go in the world to find everything they need? There's no better place than Gitmo. Club G'itmo, the Muslim resort. The infidels have Club Med, why don't the believers get their own Club G'itmo? It sounds like we've put one together for them. It's a one-of-a-kind resort on the west coast of Cuba overlooking the bay. Every visitor, every check-in at no charge gets a new Quran, a new prayer rug, Muslim chefs, Muslim dietary laws ... " June 14, 2005
2. "Now that school is out, where to find food. We can have a daily feature on this. And this will take us all the way through the summer. Where to find food. And, of course, the first will be: 'Try your house.' It's a thing called the refrigerator. You probably already know about it. Try looking there. There are also things in what's called the kitchen of your house called cupboards ... If that doesn't work, try a Happy Meal at McDonald's. You know where McDonald's is. There's the Dollar Menu at McDonald's and if they don't have Chicken McNuggets, dial 911 and ask for Obama ... There's another place if none of these options work to find food; there's always the neighborhood Dumpster. Now, you might find competition with homeless people there, but there are videos that have been produced to show you how to healthfully dine and how to dumpster dive and survive until school kicks back up in August." June 16, 2010
And the #1 Asinine Thing That Rush Limbaugh Has Said About Food…..
"What have I told you about diet and exercise? Exercise is irrelevant. What matters in losing weight is what you eat, pure and simple, and how much, nothing more than that. And everybody tries to tell me I'm wrong, that I don't know what I'm talking about." November 8, 2010
All one has to do is LOOK at the tubby fat ass to know he knows nothing about nutrition at all and chomps on everything he can get his hands on, INCLUDING ribs! What an absolute idiot!
ReplyDeleteIncluding ribs, small animals, children and crisco straight from the can.
ReplyDeleteImagine Al Franken attacking Laura Bush the viscous nasty way he has gone after Michelle Obama. Could you even begin to imagine the level of outrage you would hear from the right?
This is just a public protrusion of the utter racism that drives these idiots. To really gauge the full onslaught and release of racist sentiment, you only have to go to the comments on the sites which feature Limbaughs comments.
America has a real problem...the obesity isn't just physical. it's mental!
I look forward to the day he has a massive heart attack. I hope they bury him face down with a McRib sandwich sticking out of his ass.
ReplyDeleteWho's Rush Limbaugh?
ReplyDeleteTo do the comady that would be funny you must find three nobodys off the street or a mentel ward. Cross was a Super Bowl winner with the Giants 1990 team, and he caught four passes in New York 20 19 victory over the Buffalo Bills in the NFL championship game..
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