Remember when Gov. Bobby Jindal spoke at the Republican Presidential Convention supporting Sarah Palin’s “Drill Baby Drill” policies. He also went on to say, “It comes down to an honest and fundamental disagreement about the proper role of government. We oppose the national Democrats' view that says the way to strengthen our country is to increase dependence on government. We believe the way to strengthen our country is to restrain spending in Washington and empower individuals and small businesses to grow our economy and create jobs.”
Well it seams that Gov. Bobby has had a change of heart and now has an inverse viewpoint of this, his once core belief. Today Gov. Bobby Jindal is complaining that President Obama will not take over and build barrier islands to take on the surge of the oil coming ashore towards Louisiana. What Gov. Bobby Jindal who’s core beliefs and proclamation that Government is not the answer…Government is the problem….is now demanding the Government take over and build barrier islands for Louisiana on the tax payers expense?!?!? So I guess if it is someone else’s problem, the government should not get involved…but if it is destroying your own personal wealth, government needs to step in and take over. Go figure?!?!?
When Gov. Bobby Jindal closed his speech at the Republican Presidential Convention he finished with, “This is the nation that cast off the scourge of slavery (with his state violently fight the whole way complaining that the Federal government was over riding States Rights), overcame the Great Depression (with federal government programs such as CCC, WPA, TVA, etc), prevailed in two World Wars (like Louisiana was the deciding factor?), won the struggle for civil rights (again with his state violently fight the whole way complaining that the Federal government was over riding States Rights), defeated the Soviet menace and responded with determined courage to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. (OK I can’t even follow how Louisiana played a factor in any of this) The American spirit has triumphed over almost every form of adversity known to man, and the American spirit will triumph again.”
Yes so long as President Obama gets of his ass of not doing anything, have the Federal Government spend tax payer’s borrowed money, and build barrier islands off the coast of Louisiana….Because the Drill Baby Drill programs of the oil companies for the previous 8 years had nothing to do with his troubles and loss of personal wealth today.
My how easily these Conservative Republicans can change their minds when their own policies and decisions steal away their own personal wealth!!