Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rain King by Counting Crows

I am posting this today as an honor to my friend Laci.
"I belong in the service of the Queen."

The band that played at my oldest daughter's wedding kicked into this song and they nailed it. I stood in the middle of the area that everyone was dancing....and sang it right along with them.

Enjoy and don't be afraid to one will know!! :-)


  1. Good song by a good 1990s group!
    BTW: I have moved THE SATURDAY AFTERNOON POST over to Its new address is Thanks for your continued patronage, and I hope too see you there again real soon! :-)

  2. Hello Jack,
    I will make sure to take note and make the change. I do like your writings and thoughts.

  3. Sir, you are being hereby notified officially that you have been awarded one of the extremely prestigious PSYCHOCARNIVAL AWARDS FOR ORIGINALITY.
    Please stop by at thebrainpolice for the ceremony. There is no check unfortunately...I found out the hard way.
