Of course, by PREPARING, I mean taking over their children’s or grandchildren’s crayons to color their signs, miss spelling many of the words on their signs because most can’t demonstrate proficiency of having a 7th grade education, attaching tea bags to their clothing and trying to figure out how they’re going to pounce on the President of the United States.
But, hey!!! They’re “Super Patriotic Folks”…..RIGHT?!?!?! (Oh yea, only so long as you agree with their views which are very dynamic and can mean many different conflicting things at any given point and time.) Now my thoughts here are….That the vast majority of the Teabaggers have NO CLUE what they’re actually protesting….Just so long as they can shout rage, hate, and non-factual bull crap, blaming someone else for their problems.
It’s no wonder President Obama isn’t going to make a public appearance when he visits Charlotte on Friday, especially after the Teabaggers demonstrated what they are really about on the Capital steps being so rude as to spit, and shouting racial slurs at Congressmen, etc. during the health care bill’s final passage in Washington D. C. Who would want to subject themselves to such abuse? Especially when this crowd of abusers are likely to be packin’ heat.
Here’s hoping the Teabaggers eventually get a clue…(Not that there is much chance of this)… and realize how utterly goofy it is to wear tea bags on their head. I mean, come on….REALLY?!?! (Many of us know how the Urban Dictionary defines Teabagging, RIGHT?!?!?)
Now to close this posting with some reality, a recent Bloomberg National Poll confirmed, what was already apparent to the more intelligent demographic balance of the population, that the Tea Party movement has an intense hatred for anything they, or their leaders, deem to be socialist while both appreciating and wanting more government support for programs they like and, of course, not really understanding even what the term socialist means.
That the vast majority of the Teabaggers have NO CLUE what they’re actually protesting….Just so long as they can shout rage, hate, and non-factual bull crap, blaming someone else for their problems.
ReplyDeleteThey have ONE reason, Engineer, as far as I can figure-- he's black. If one looks at the demographics presented in that recent poll of self-identified Tea Baggers, the only uniting factor is 'white.' All of the others are contradictory. Just racism unites them. Like the Klan and the skinheads. He's black, period.
Hello Muddy,
ReplyDeleteYes I am afraid you are correct. I saw an interview with a "Man-Of-Street" Teabagger. His comment right off was, "It has nothing to do with race...Nothing at all." My thought at this moment was, “What a very Freudian revealing of what was so prevalent on this man’s mind.”
The program went on to state that 72% of Teabaggers polled think that too much attention of the Obama Administration is directed towards the problems of black citizens of this country.