Yesterday afternoon the NAACP passed a resolution calling on all people to condemn racism within the tea party movement. The NAACP’s resolution urge people to oppose what it said were the tea party’s drive “to push our country back to the pre-civil rights era.”
Anita Russell who is head of the Kansas City branch said as the debate on the resolution began, “We feel it’s very important that we educate our membership about the Tea Party.”

The resolution demands that the Tea Party purge itself of the racist element that has been allowed to hide behind the Tea Party’s veil but none the less is there. The element that is seen so often holding up signs displaying President Obama as a monkey, signs that prominently have the “N” word on it, and yes even spitting on and using racial slurs right on the Nation’s Capital Steps.
The NAACP plans a march to Washington D.C. to protest, confront the Tea Party followers, and make America aware who many of the Tea Party members really are.
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