After her surprise victory over the moderate Republican Congressman, Mike Castle, there are now calls for an investigation of O'Donnell. It is becoming aware that there are questions raised related to her finances. O'Donnell has drawn intense criticism for a multitude of questionable financial issues that most notably include using campaign funds for personal expenses. Her former campaign manager accused her of using campaign donations for rent, among other things. Ms. O'Donnell acknowledged doing so, but said the rent expenditures were justified because her townhouse is also her campaign headquarters. Records show that Ms. O'Donnell has no steady income and earned only $5,800 last year.
Now to prove that she can raise the bar to “Loony Land,” candidate Christine O'Donnell made a point of telling a gathered audience the claim she made just a few years ago that scientists were "cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains."
During a discussion of the cloning of monkey embryos on Bill O'Reilly's Fox News program in November 2007, O'Donnell, introduced as a Republican strategist, insisted that "the real point of all of this research is to lead to human cloning."